6 Sex Positive TV Shows and Movies You Need To Watch Today

Sex sells, especially when it comes to entertainment. After all, we are hardwired to notice sexual content. That’s why you find everything from perfume brands to domain registrar companies giving their advertisement sexual undertones.
That being said, sex is often not depicted in a realistic way. And not to mention, most movies and shows tend to focus on the male gaze. Female and queer sexuality hardly get any screen time.
However, things are changing with some excellent movies and TV shows portraying sex positivity. We’re happy so share our favourites. Take a look.
Girls were revolutionary in many ways. It was probably the first show I watched that did a great job of showcasing how complicated, intricate and wonderful female friendships are. And of course, the show defies countless societal norms about sex. This is the show for those ready to question their perceptions of female sexuality and enjoy good soup with Adam Driver (IYKYK).
Normal People
Normal People is a beautiful story about human connection interlaced with sex postivity. There is something inexplicably satisfying about watching characters that are flawed. Not because I take pleasure in their shortcomings, but because their imperfections make them feel realistic.
The To-Do List
The To-Do List is wild in the best way possible with the best casting choices. Imagine being hyper-focused on doing well at school and ignoring everything else only to realise you don’t have any sexual experiences. So what would a nerd do? Make a to-do list to learn all about sex! This hilarious flick puts female sexuality first and leads with sex postivity.
Yes, God, Yes
Growing up in a conservative household can often make you feel guilty or even dirty about feeling sexual. Yes, God, Yes perfectly addresses that. This movie also highlights how judgemental even our so called ‘progressive’ peers can be when it comes to sex. It’s a story about self pleasure and the guilt that may ensue. And if you are looking for racy dialogues and risque sex scenes, this is probbaly not the movie for you.
Sex Education
I can only imagine what my relationship with my sexuality would have been if Sex Education came out when I was a teenager. It’s brilliant in every way. From meaningful representation to interesting plotlines to unparalleled comedic timing, this show has truly set high standards for portraying teen and young adult sexuality on screen.
The Sex Lives of College Girls
Created by Mindy Kaling, The Sex Lives of College Girls is the newest release on this list with only a few episodes out. But even though I’ve only watched a couple of episodes, I can tell it’s going to be a fun one. While the concept isn’t exactly groundbreaking, it’s a realistic depiction of how teenagers deal with the freedom that comes with college. The show is probably the humour filled coming-of-age palate cleanser you may have been looking for.
Which TV show or movie are you eager to add to your watch list? Let us know in the comments below!
- Tags: Sex & Intimacy